Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My experiences with Relativity

I’ve learned thro’ my own experience ki there’s no better time to write a blog entry than a dead boring class. Felt like the longest two hours of my life…though i gotta admit, it was quite funny to see even the calm and cool girl next to me totally losing control and mumbling about a plan to kill the sir...towards the end we were all silent resigning to it as our fate…*sigh*…and I gotta sit in his (Ok, I’ve half a mind to use the f-word…oh, yeah, he's that bad...but one’s gotta stick on to their principles..Damn!) stupid class again tomorrow...Why, God, Why????

And the funny thing is, my sister’s visit felt like a few minutes. I hadn’t seen her in some 3 months and was really looking forward to it and then…wham! Without even realizing, she’s here and already back at work after the visit…how could that possibly be?

Which reminds me of a story I once heard about Einstein (I know what u people r saying in your heads, get to the point, lady…but sorry…yeh apun ka sshhtyyle hai, taking as much time as possible :D)

A guy was once having trouble understanding relativity (man, how dumb can you be? ;-). And this is how Einstein explained it to him.

“When you place your feet on a burning piece of coal, a minute feels like an hour. But when you’re having dinner with a gorgeous lady, an hour feels like a minute. And that’s relativity for you.”

Guess that’s the mark of a true genius. One who can make something like relativity as simple as ABCD.

p.s: this is what's left of the story in my not-so-good memory. The story might be a LOT different...but still u get my point, na?

Ok, back to the post now.

She came. We had our share of laughs, bloody fights, shopping, doing sisterly things and then she left.

(In b/w, dad had also come, he too left on Sunday.)

Now it’s like the ghost of a house that once was.
As a good friend of mine puts it, “the entire house feels empty.”

When the 4 of us gets together, its total chaos. We scream, shout at one other for the tiniest things, tease mom till she gets totally pissed off…we’re quite the weirdo family.
To quote my sis word by word, “Dad’s the only normal one in the family.”

But I miss the chaos now. Miss all the making up after fights.

Its quite annoying to have a fight with someone who knows you that well and someone who knows you as much as you know yourself…they always know exactly what’s going on in your head and which string to pull ( I do it all the time with my sis..bad me!!:-D)

For e.g. here’s a sample of conversation me & my sis had at the railway station.

Me: Hey, gimme the name of a good book, haven’t read one in ages, may go to eloor lib. today. Am thinking of taking one night@ call centre.

Sis: That book sucks! But your Uni.exams are coming, right? U shouldn’t take a book. Make a timetable, study hard.

Me: yeah, sure I won’t go then.

My thought bubble: hehe, even if I did how would u know?

Sis: (somehow sensing that I would go) Ok then, go take only one book. K?

Me. (Sounding happy) Ok then…will take only that book.
*Evil grin inside*

Sis: if I happen to know that you took more than one book, *my nickname*, I will…#@$!^^#$@#^# and she goes on and on reciting the consequences….

Me kicking myself…Damn, how on earth did she sense my evil grin?

Me: Ok baba, won’t take more than one…(couldn’t help saying this) if it helps, you’re doing a good job becoming more and more like mom by each day. Keep it up and maybe someday you’ll get even better at it than mom herself. Hehe…

That shuts her up for good for the next few minutes…all the while mom staring at us like crazy ;-)

Home doesn’t feel like home without you guys…Come back soon...so we can have lot more convos like this.


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