Saturday, February 18, 2006

The One...

I just saw this program where the leading lady, about to get married, decided not to do so. Coz he wasn’t ‘The One’. Coz she didn’t feel what she was doing was completely right…I have seen the same thing happen in many many movies…and it pisses me off soo much…

I do think that romance and Love are over-rated these days. This might sound a li’l surprising for people who know me coz I’m the kinda girl who listens to soft love songs all the time and drools over romantic movies and hunks. But seriously, I do. I’m not dumb enough to believe that there’s one perfect person for everyone and once u are with him/her eventually, everything else will be fine.

The way I see it is like this…. there’s no perfect person, there’s just a perfect relationship where the two people know each other extremely well and still like each other for what they are. Two perfectly compatible people who happen to like spending time with each other and would like to evolve together.

Here’s something that I saw in a movie…the lady talks about why everybody wants to get married…

we all are afraid that we’ll live our lives and grow old without anyone actually caring a bit. When a man marries a woman, its their way of telling each other that ‘i'll be your witness...i'll care for each and everything happening in your life’ and thus it makes 'em feel wanted ”.

And I think its sooo true. We, humans, dread loneliness and thus by marrying we are making sure that we don’t ever have to be alone, that we’ve somebody with us throughout the journey of life. That we’ve somebody to hold onto in times of hardship.

I’ve earlier made a post on my ‘prince charming’ knowing very well that such a person does not exist. But that’s the beauty of the concept of marriage. My heart somehow wants me to believe that somehow I’ll run into a person like this(any resemblance to Bollywood movies is a total co-incidence :D) and we’ll live happily ever after…(could u get any more girlish than this??? Blushing…)

And the practical side of me keeps on telling me that this is all a myth….. Like the way kids look forward to Santa Claus bringing ’em gifts, adults hope to find a perfect partner to bring ‘em eternal happiness (which in itself is a utter nonsense).

Been thinking about marriage and stuff these days coz my sister is fast approaching ‘marriable age’ (ahem!) by Indian standards…prince charming or not, I just hope he keeps her happy and appreciate how lucky he is to have found her…*sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a girl's point of view,its totally true..even if i hate to admit,me too thinks(day dreams) the same..about some companion for the entire life, knowing its mere stupidity,par kya kare...yeh dil hai ki maantha nahii..happy 2 c tht i am not alone:D

7:57 AM  
Blogger R said...

Yeah, the 'marriagable age' concept just sucks, doesn't it?

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

# f.r.i.e.n.d,
gee! defintely not alone, pal ;-)
"he 'marriagable age' concept just sucks"
three cheers to that statement...and yes it does suck...BIG TIME!!!

8:50 AM  

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