Friday, April 21, 2006

At Palakkad – Part 1

The trip

The usually boring-to-death trip this time I hoped would be fun since I had two pals with me. Not considering the embarrassment caused due to the ‘communication problems’ between me and my mom…it was fun actually (except for the part where you were telling us about the freak movie SAW II)…after they both got off, I started reading this book – ‘The witches’ by Roald Dahl, which I have to say is a very very cute book. I kept on laughing my head off; people in the train must’ve thought I was going crazy ;-)

The stay

There’s nothing that could beat a family get together. Catching up on stuff others been up to, hearing naughty stories about your parents/uncles/aunts from the past and teasing them like crazy, fighting for a page of the newspaper (which to tell you the truth, I don’t even want…anyways ,I do it for the sake of fighting :-D) ….its total chaos, my kinda chaos :-)

Then I’ve two little cousins who totally adore me…I’m ‘The Big One’ there! The tiny tots follow me around like puppies all day long, which sometimes gets in the way of me sneaking out stuff from the cupboard, but most of the time its pretty flattering. And this time I even read them a book! Even I am surprised by this.

Me and the elder one of the tiny tots team up against the younger one and tease her about absolutely nothing till she goes ‘Waaaah!’ and runs up to her mom. That’s when I act all innocent and blame it on the elder tot. I know, what a mature thing to do, right? ;-)

The greatest thing about my native place is that you could just wander endlessly in the grounds, climbing trees or just sit by the pond listen to the sounds of nature…just slow things down, reflect upon your life, just breathe…things we don’t get to do in Trivandrum while running to catch up with the pace of life.

And there are huge fields behind our place, which during the season, are really a sight to see…I’m posting a pic (others I can’t coz there are people in it)

Isn’t it really beautiful???


Blogger Unknown said...

sometimes Trivandrum is a boring place to be & sometimes a Getaway is real fun.


Ooi ‘The Big One’,
you're d perfect mature person.

<:-P ... & i just luv running thru d fields, with d wind in my shirt.

d pic is (sadly :D)nice (which cam you use?).

7:06 AM  

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