Saturday, June 24, 2006

To post or not to post

The title so coz I've been debating with my ego to post it or not. To come out and say like it is or just keep on cursing you in my mind.

Okay, you there…this one’s for you.

You know what people do when they call you every damn single day for a week and still you don’t call back?

They start calling other people.

Or how about this?

I know you knew I was upset.

But what you might not know was that I thought you would call me when you realized I was upset. Coz that’s generally what “friends” do.

When they realize you’re upset, they call you then and there. It might not solve the issue but it sure helps to know someone’s out there looking out for you.

{You know, she called me even after I had told here rudely that I didn’t wanna talk. Thanks, babe}

Or that I would think it was you every time the phone rang. And it wouldn’t be.

Or I just had a fight with my mom to keep the phone with me upstairs in case you called.

[I know I sound kinda desperate. But I’m used to telling things the way they really are. You could see it as a desperate girl waiting for someone to call her or as someone who’s just upset that her friend let her down]

How do you expect me to open up and tell you what is bothering me after this???

P.s: I’m sure you’re thinking of calling me now, I’m not so sure about that. That’d be kinda embarrassing after all this outburst.


Blogger Unknown said...

gurls gurls.

1:17 PM  
Blogger InfJunkie said...

i'm sorry, wht did u just say? Hmmpfff...

10:36 PM  

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