Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Its dum dum dum time again people!!

Before I start off, yeah that stupid tune’s still not gone. If I ever figure out the person who invented that tone, i'm gonna...well, i'll think of something nasty enough soon


I'm feeling extremely happy today.extremely in its most extreme sense :) And that is weird (forgetting the fact that i'm happy for no reason) coz I've got an exam (Universityexam that is) tomorrow and I haven't studied a thing :) and I don't feel like inserting a sad smiley here..whoa! this aint happiness, it's ecstasy, people :D

Smiling without a reason sure feels good....Infact, I think I'm gonna burst into a song right now...*singing out loud*

This happy self was trying to study in the terrace when instead I ended up smiling at how my skirt was flying up in the cutest ever breeze ( *gasp!* did I say 'cute breeze'? cute breeze? cute???*rolls her eyes at the weird tricks the happy psycho inside is making me do*) and smelling the rose that just bloomed today. *smiles at the thought*

And I did a good thing today. I actally sent two mails. Ok, two good things then :D. Mail as in 'real' mail and not those stupid crappy forwards. Real personal mail typed by my very own fragile hands. Boy, are they some lucky people or what? :D It feels really good to send a mail after all these months of forwarding crappy stuff.

[ And you, I still think your response at my mail wasn't good enough. Next time instead of thanking me in your tribal language, try running out into the big beautiful world (smiles again:D) shouting out loud, "I've got mail, I've got mail"]

I was feeling so very happy that I thought maybe I should write it down to read during depressing times...well, tonight that is...considering that it's the time when 'actual' studies happen. I have an exam morrow, remember?

Uh-oh, I can see the girl next door studying like crazy for the very same exam tomorrow. Oh no, think a little happiness just drained off. Don't worry, I'm still smiling :). Infinity minus one is still infinity, people. And yeah, me thinks people like her shouldn't be allowed to study outside where they can inflict severe damage upon the blissfully ignorant happy minds of freebirds in the world. Infact, go study your @$$ off in your attic or something (mind your language, happy psycho!)....

So *a deep sigh*, it's me signing off as a protest against the nerdy girl next door....

P.s: Hopefully I'll have some of this happiness left after tomorrow's exam *Bites her fingernails*

P.p.s: It's morning and the happy thing's totally gone. Unfortunately, just the psycho is left :(


Blogger Unknown said...

dum dum dum it is!!!


9:55 AM  
Blogger InfJunkie said...

hey, thanks for the 'dum dum dum' thing u sent me. was cool :-)

11:18 PM  

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