Thursday, November 23, 2006

To sis,with love

“Your writing- it might not be something great nor of ‘Oh-wow’ material; but it’s genuine. It’s true; I can see that, I can feel that. And from what life has taught me, people don’t want writings with lotsa metaphors nor hard-words…they just want to be touched, moved…and only truth does that.”

“It’s the greatest feeling ever- getting into bed knowing you’ve done everything you possible could have done that day”

“You can empathize. I can never do that, I only sympathize. There lies the difference. Empathy is a quality you’re born with, sweetheart.”

“With X I talk a lot; although we’ve nothing in common we have endless, meaningless discussions. With Y , we’ve things in common, we share things…and years from now, I see myself still having a relation with Y and not X”

“Never lose perspective.
Never lose sight of your goal.
Coz once you do, then that’s it…you’re done.
It’s over!”

“If you go on like this, five years from now you won’t be able to afford this lifestyle!”

"It’s during difficult times that you need your family the most.”

“Mom’s a li’l eccentric. So what? She’s our mom…play along; you be a li’l eccentric yourself. Simple!”

“Do you know why I think our dad’s the greatest? For other dads, children are a major part of their lives, yet they still have a life of their own. For our dad, We Are his life.”

“Do you know what love is?
Love is when you feel with a person instead of feeling for him.
Love is when you are as happy as he is in his victory.
It’s when you’re as sad, you feel as bad in his loss.
When you cry coz he is crying.”

“I know…I know…Mom can really get on your nerves at times. But never EVER *menacing tone* question her motive…
If all this nagging makes you study a little bit more, if it benefits you in the slightest way possible, she doesn’t mind hearing all that “Gimme a break” statements for that to happen.”

(Her response on me telling her that exam just got postponed while jumping up and down)
"Flyovers never solve the traffic problem; they just move it to some other point. Likewise..." *ahem*

“We haven’t seen each other in what….2-3 months??? :O :O :O I’m dying to come home!”

SO am I…dying for you to come home…
Come home ASAP

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50th Post~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing short of a beautiful blog...
I admire your sister all the more now... she's wise, and you are glad you have a sister like her who doesn't have to filter her words before telling you anything.

I liked "flyovers never solve traffic problems" .... this is exactly what I meant when I said there was no use with exam getting postponed.

But I bet your sister didn't know that when she was in S3.
That's another problem with all of us, we learn everything when its well past time....

2 years from now, you might be telling the same stuff to some junior of yours...

Life teaches people, people pass on what they have learnt...

9:27 AM  
Blogger Maya Reiss said...

Endearing :)

1:54 AM  
Blogger Aislin said...

Gr8 Post. I agree with your sis. you don't need to put in hard words to make anything presentabloe. You just need to write from your heart. Write true.Your blog's a real pleasure to read.

10:38 AM  
Blogger InfJunkie said...

"we learn everything when its well past time"
something everybody knows, yet no one practices, alle?
and i hope i'll have something to pass on to others when the time comes :)
#Maya reiss,
Thanks :)
And welcome to my place, thanks for dropping by..
Thanks a lot, this made my day..err..its 12, so night, i guess...Pj, i knw :D

11:21 AM  
Blogger InfJunkie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Especially the flyover one .....

I can sponsor a funniest-quotes-of-the-century book if you are willing to provide a few more of these

1:33 PM  

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