Friday, January 26, 2007

Blast from the past

“Jeez...You haven’t changed at all…”

“Whoa, look how fat you’ve become…khati kya hai?” *in a sarcastic tone of course*

“Look at her, she won’t even come and talk to us...avalkkentha ithra jada?”

“Aah…our first standard class...I remember this girl so-and-so used to bully me and I got my sister (who was a senior...3rd standard *ahem*) to kick her ass. Ha!"

“The fat girl who used to sit next to me, I forgot her name, once poked me with her pencil...I sooo hated her!” (And we’re supposed to be adults now :D)

“Remember how you stuffed a mutton piece into my chapati and I puked all over this place?”

“I once puked here, here and here” (this statement by yours truly met with disgusted glances from other fellow beings there :D)

“Ooh…look, look…Counter sister, counter sister (that’s the name we had for the sister who stood at the cash counter; dunno her actual name and we studied there for 10 years. Ahem!)…*runs over to her side*…sister, sukhalle? The kids now-a-days, not as goodie-goodie *wink* as we used to be, huh? “

“Oh look, she hasn’t left yet…pressure cooker…Damn!” *pointing at the sister who used to go shhh-sshhh at the tiniest of all noises*

(The chief guests delivering his presidential address and we really couldn’t care less) “Listen, nobody in here is making any noise except for us…”
“Really edo, not a single thing has changed..its like we never left the place”
*both laugh their evil-est laughs*
Pressure cooker gives us her annoying look, says “Ssshhh” and goes back to her pretending-to-hear-the-speech-thingie.
And we do our thing, stick out tongues at her (and yeah, we’re perfect ladies, I might add)

Seriously, its like we never left the place.

Some things never change…
Like old friends you grew up with.

Some things never cease to feel good…
Like school reunions :)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The birdie is One

This blog turned one on Jan 15th and as weird as it is, I feel guilty, very very guilty, on not wishing her (yes, it’s a her I might add, why you ask? Coz I said so!) on her first birthday. Not in a very come-on-lets-party-mood, so I might just get it done and over with :D

Happy Birthday :) *kisses the monitor*

*cuts the cake and gives everyone a piece*

Life would have been a lot less colorful without you, Kasam se


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rantings, mumblings, *insert all synonyms here*

Blogging is the coolest way to “express yourself” now. Tell me the name of a living/breathing creature who doesn’t blog/read blogs and I will tell you where our very own Bin laden is.

Take some...err, a lot of free time, add blog addiction, a cup of weirdness, a tablespoon bitterness and oodles of boredom…Mix them all and what have we got??

Well, if you were me you would get this –

A close introspection of the blogospheric aura, the different species of blogs found here:-
  • The usual reality-series-blogs bringing you daily *boring* updates from the life of a person who for some reason *read for he/she has nothing better to do* finds blogging very interesting. Yours truly belongs to this class, I might add humbly. These can again be subdivided into:-
    - The Oh-my-life-is-so-pathetic-its-amusing-wanna-hear-about-it blogs. Do I wanna hear about it? I tell you dude, NO.
    I’ve my own life to brood upon, so no thanks.
    -“How-I-survived-this-traumatic-incident-which-left-me-scarred-for-life” kind…screaming for comments like ‘Oh dear, I’m so glad you pulled through it, be careful next time coz we all care a looot’
    - My-love-life-is-so-happening-you’ll-love-to-hear-about-it…
    “I have found my true love”…before you can even take a breath “Err…I was wrong. He dumped me, I dunno why; we were sooo perrrrfect for each other”
    “Do you think he likes me, he did smile at me I tellya”
    “He doesn’t even know I exist. Boohoo”
    Blub glub gibberish!
    -The heres-something-to-make-you-think-coming-from-me-who-has-seen-it-all blog. The blessed, gifted author who is generous enough to share with everybody in the blogosphere the lessons he has learnt leaving us indebted for life. Includes topics explaining why god truly is great (like we didn’t know. Why else is he called God then?? And as for the ‘he’…read this somewhere, if it were a she, she would be considerate enough to make it yearly rather than monthly. That was convincing enough for me.)..Coming back..Yeah, exploring the reason why we are never thankful for what we are, why we are always greedy (I’ll make it easy for you, coz that’s human nature!) yada yada. We really appreciate what you’re doing. We get our daily doses from our homes, so guess what...We don’t care!
    - The I-started-a-blog-coz-I-didn’t-have-anything-else-to-do-now-that-I-have-I’m-letting-it-rot-in-blogosphere blogs. Usually have two, three or four unrelated posts. And that’s it. One fine day, blogging aint that fun anymore. Well…for chrissake, have some responsibility to carry on the things you started, people.
  • The letting-your-creative-juices-out blog –
    -The story blog where you put you put up the novelist self for others to see
    -The poem blog for people to see the ‘Wordsworth’ in you.
    -Photoblogs- looking through your’s eye :D
  • The group blogs :-
    College blog, classmates blog, girls gang blog, benchmates blog etc etc
  • The ‘He-blogs-so-I-blog’ blog. The w-o-r-s-t. Listen up dude, any reason other than you wanted to do it is not good enough to do anything. Get it? So why dontcha just go find your thing??
  • And at last, the real bloggers. For whom blogging is a part of life; just like their blogs are part of mine. The ones that make you think, “Jeez…Why the hell am I blogging??”

    All the stuff said above- even the ones based on real facts- are purely fictional. Anyone who gets offended…well, your problem. Bleh!

    That’s about it all. Ranting over.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A lot like love

"When infatuated we experience a surge of dopamine that rushes through the brain causing us to feel good. Norepinephrine flows through the brain stimulating production of adrenaline (pounding heart). Phenylethalimine (found in chocolate) creates a feeling of bliss. Irrational romantic sentiments may be caused by oxytocin, a primary sexual arousal hormone that signals orgasm and feelings of emotional attachment. Together these chemicals sometimes override the brain activity that governs logic.

The body can build up tolerances to these chemicals so it takes more of the substance to get that special feeling of infatuation. People who jump from relationship to relationship may be craving the intoxicating effects of these substances and may be “infatuation junkies”.

When the chemical flood dries up, the relationship either moves into a loving romantic one or there is disillusionment, and the relationship ends." that explains why I like having a crush so much...I'm an "Infactuation junkie" :D
