Sunday, June 07, 2009

Square One

These days (past year?) my blogging has hit an all time low. When I first started blogging, all I knew was I wanted to be out there, writing. It was my own thing.

But then as you move forward, you begin to introspect. I decided I don’t want to write stuff too personal (I should’ve thought this before I poured out my soul and eccentricities here :-|) ,that I don’t want to come across as some normal girl with the same normal thoughts. I wanted to write the cool edgy stuff, coming across as cold(there’s something sexy about not giving a fuck) and…ungirly? I’ve realised that I can write only about stuff I know. And quite frankly (and narcissistically) the only thing I’m that sure about is my own thoughts and decided not to fight it.

In short, I’m back where I started.


Anonymous R said...

square favourite place.. :D :P

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you back. And best to see you back as your normal self.

Sure, the last year was not the best for your blog. But then don't introspect too much. After all it's your personal space.

PS: Hope the anonymity privilege does not bother you as long as the comment does not have swear words. :-)

7:06 AM  

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